Gonzalez Troncoso Siblings Missions Project


Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Matthew 9:37-38

who we are

We’re part of a Christian family that lives in Temuco, Chile. Our parents are Jorge Gonzalez and Cecia Troncoso. The three of us are currently studying in university. Our names are Paula (25), Esteban (23) y Angela (19). We’ve had difficult times as a family, but our parents have taught us to see that the control of all things is in God’s hands, which has been a fundamental pillar in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. As the years have gone by we’ve been able to experience God’s fidelity and His protective hand in our personal lives. We’ve been members of the Encuentro con Cristo church for eleven years; and during this time as siblings we’ve been part of the worship team and also serve in leadership in the youth ministry.



Thanks to the opportunity God has given us to serve in our church, we came to know Mark Lewis and Brian Duggan who as part of the ReachGlobal team, after knowing us for two years, seeing our passion for service and what the Lord has done in our family, have invited us to be a part of the team in a youth conference (Challenge) to take place in Louisville, Kentucky in July this year; this conference focuses in different themes which include missions. We’ve previously been part of other mission conferences such as CIMA (2010, 2014) which is organized by “Movida” in Cordoba, Argentina. We’ve been invited to serve as well in reconstruction work in New Orleans, Louisiana with ReachGlobal’s Crisis Response ministry following the conference; activity which we believe can create opportunities to share the love of Chris with those in need. It is our deep desire to be able to be a part of these activities, which we know will provide opportunities from God to serve him in our youth. We know he has great things prepared for our lives and for those to whom we’ll speak and spend time with. It is because of this reason that after much prayer and talking with our parents and some leaders, we’ve decided to accept this beautiful challenge to which we feel strongly called.

For Paula and Angela, the challenge doesn’t stop here. It is our desire to work in Mexico City with the ReachGlobal team from December until February (2017) learning and supporting their work with women and little girls in social risk. We’ve been in contact with the team through Sam Loesch, who’s been guiding us in the process. We’re really excited and motivated and we pray God allows us to get there.


Paula González Troncoso


Dentistry Student

  • Age: 25 years
  • E-mail: gonzaleztroncoso@gmail.com
  • Languages: Spanish – English
  • Phone: +56 982597713


I’ve been a part of Encuentro con Cristo, Temuco for 11 years. It is the church in which I started serving as part of the worship team the year we arrived. Two and a half years ago I was put in charge of the leadership in the youth ministry, which hasn’t been easy, but it’s been a beautiful challenge which has helped me grow in my relationship with God.


All my life I’ve felt called to serve in church. Seeing my grandfather, who is a pastor, dedicate his life to God has been a huge example. This year as is going to be a challenge for me because for the first time in my life I won’t be with my family and I’ve pressed pause on my studies in university.  This will allow me to have the chance to see service in a different way, not only in church, but also learn how I can impact my community, and share with other young people what the Lord is doing in Chile.  I believe this is the beginning of future ministry that I’ve placed in God’s hands.


This won’t be my first Challenge, since I had the opportunity to be a part of the 2014 conference. It was an experience that I enjoyed a hundred percent because I got to work with and see how God moves people my age to work in ministry to others. This year Challenge offers the chance to get to know the spiritual needs in a country that’s close to mine (Brazil is the focus) and learn how God is working in that nation.


Going to Mexico is an opportunity to help the ReachGlobal ministry in the different areas they work with, whether it is in planting churches or with women in social risk or sex trafficking. Learning the rate of prostitution in Mexico City, which is the highest in Latin America, the Lord moved my heart because as a young woman I would like to help and reach those who are in a situation like that and let that be a an experience in my development as a leader. It’s also a chance to share what I have learned in my personal experience as a youth leader, expose myself to service in a different context and culture than mine, and above all become better equipped to work in ministry in Chile or some other part of the world.




Business Student

  • Age: 23 years
  • E-mail: gztr92@gmail.com
  • Languages: Spanish – English
  • Phone: +56 9 98870843


God has given me the blessing of being born in a family that has taught me about Him for years. Thanks to that I’ve learned how important it is to be involved in your community and serving with what God has blessed me. In Encuentro con Cristo, the church I’m part of, I’ve been able to serve as part of the youth ministry and the worship team. I’m also thankful to the Lord for the chance to help in the leadership of GBU (a Christian bible study group) in my university for a semester and at the same time helping my friends in their churches and evangelistic groups.


Chile is a country which has historically been surrounded by disaster. Since 2010 our natural disasters have increased and have presented themselves in different ways. It was in these moments that God moved my heart to go and help those who are most affected. Learning about ReachGlobal and Crisis Response, their work in Haiti and New Orleans, the Lord has challenged me to get to know how they work and be a part of what they do so that I can eventually help my country in the time of need, to see how I’ll be able to lend a hand with my profession and how I can encourage others to be a part of the work with people who have spiritual, physical and financial needs.  I believe He has great things prepared for this time and I know that they will be used in my future wherever God wants me to go.


I see in Challenge a new opportunity from the Lord to share experiences with young people from other cultures. It’s enriching to share outside of what you know and facing the new challenges God places in your path. Being a part of this conference also represents the chance to live and share the gospel in a language that is not my native one, in a culture that is not my own and without my friends and/or leaders by my side to guide me on how to do things. I feel God is trying to teach me something new, to motivate me outside of my routine and to live what He has in store for me.



Psycology Student

  • Age: 19 years
  • E-mail: gonzaleztroncoso@gmail.com
  • Languages: Spanish – English
  • Phone: +569 98870760


I started being a part of youth group in church when I was around 12 years old and while growing up I started helping out with slideshows during services and cleaning up. Later on I became a part of the worship team and I’m currently serving as part of the leadership in youth group.   


Going to Challenge will be an opportunity that will allow me to get to know a team with experience in missions. It’s a time to get out of my comfort zone and security, learning about the realities in other countries like Brazil and getting to know the needs of those with whom we will be working after the conference. It is my desire to learn about these people, share with them and demonstrate the love of God in their lives.


Throughout my life, I’ve always felt a special curiosity about missions. I feel very moved by the needs in the world. Listening to the stories of missionaries, their experiences, I’ve always felt fascinated but also restless. It is because of this that I desire to know and experience what missions is on a deeper level.

I hope to serve in the Mexico City community with ReachGlobal and work with young women who’ve been a part of sex trafficking, kids with poor backgrounds and any other ministry God provides because while doing this, I will also be serving the Lord.

to do this we need

Paula: April – September 2016, USA. US $800 (plane tickets) December – February 2017, Mexico City. US $1,200 (plane tickets).

Esteban: July 2016, USA. US $1,200 (plane tickets).

Angela: July 2016, USA. US $1,200 (plane tickets) December – February 2017, Mexico City. US $1,200 (plane tickets).

Total in plane tickets: US $5,600

Food and others: US $2,000 (the three of us).

We’re asking for your prayers and we would also be thankful for any contribution to this project.

We believe missions is based in this principle:

“Some are called to pray, others to donate, and other to go”

If it’s your desire to help us, we ask you to pray or donate to the following account:

In the States through the EFCA: https://goo.gl/VvKTO3

In Chile:
Cuenta Vista – Banco Santander
n° 007010371460
Esteban González Troncoso
RUT 18.147.012-7