Archive | March, 2013

One indicator of our kids’ success

18 Mar

Keri just left today with four of her Wheaton friends after a week with us in Costa Rica.  As parents of three kids living in a different country we often pray that God will fill in those gaps created by distance and geography.  One indicator that God is answering that prayer is when we get to spend time with the friends our kids have chosen.  The USA cultural norm of kids heading to college and living on campus is perceived as odd here in Latin America.  Kids here live at home during college and well into their twenties, only leaving when they get married.  Our friends here thought we were crazy to send our daughter to college at such a young age.  And it is true, our influence in our kids’ lives does change once they’ve left for school.  Their friends are now the ones with influence in their daily lives while we move to a different and less frequent level of influence.
So it is with great joy that we get to know with whom they’ve spent these years living life and learning lessons.  This is the last Spring Break for these girls.  In eight short weeks their college careers will be complete.  Cathi and I thoroughly enjoyed the late evenings talking with these young women and learning about their hopes, dreams, and concerns about what God has in store.  What a privilege to pour into them, even for just a short time.  
We all wonder what our kids will choose in life.  Based on this terrific week at least we know our daughter chose her friends well.
The monkey agrees.

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